
为什么 You Should Consider Using 员工增加 on Your 电竞赛事竞猜APP Project



为什么 You Should Consider Using 员工增加 on Your 电竞赛事竞猜APP Project

If your company depends on an e-commerce portal or 基于云计算的工具, you will naturally have some in-house IT talent. 但, will you have people trained for whatever 设计, 电竞赛事竞猜APP, and testing work your mission-critical tools may need?

Not every company can even consider having a fully staffed IT department anyway. This is exactly why so many 自由职业者 and temp firms are out there. They know your company or one like it will need to beef up their talent pool, 至少暂时如此, 处理一个开发项目. Staff augmentation is another alternative; One that has a 软件开发 firm hire out programmers when a client needs them. 这些服务提供了几个好处, benefits that may be absent in other approaches to meeting your 软件开发 needs.


If you need help pulling off a big 电竞赛事竞猜APP project, outsourcing is probably the first thing that comes to mind. 找一家这样做的公司 定制软件开发 让他们来完成工作. Or, hire a couple of programmers to supplement your own programmers. Staff augmentation is a good alternative to bringing on a temporary worker or outsourcing all of your 电竞赛事竞猜APP and testing work. There is another alternative though – using a 第三方 to provide the talent you need when you need them. That type of outsourcing is what we sometimes call staff augmentation.

有没有公司 软件开发 work has probably encountered a situation where staff augmentation was a better option than hiring. The rest of them will likely find themselves in that situation. 为什么? 好吧, how many companies doing 软件开发 have found their own IT staff overwhelmed or in need of specialized expertise just for a few weeks? 比你想象的要多.

Sometimes you need to expand your IT department quickly to capitalize on a business opportunity. You may also want to consider staff augmentation over contracting out 电竞赛事竞猜APP work if you have a project manager with the technical know-how it takes to run a 移动应用开发 例如,项目.


Staff augmentation offers similar benefits to working with a temp agency or a freelancer but with a couple of advantages. Finding and vetting 自由职业者 will take more time than screening a 电竞赛事竞猜APP firm. 与临时服务一样, you get a high level of flexibility – bring in an expensive technical expert for a few weeks at the right time and your obligation ends there. Staff augmentation offers five potential benefits:

1. 适应性: Easily adapt to changing business conditions. 你可能不需要全套的 策略, 设计, and 电竞赛事竞猜APP skills in-house all of the time. This is the very reason outsourcing exists, to provide companies with the ability to bring on someone with a specific skill set when their services are truly needed. A staffing augmentation firm allows you to easily round out a 电竞赛事竞猜APP team and use those people for only as long as their services are truly needed. In turn, this kind of flexibility saves time and money.

2. 节省时间: Save time on recruiting new employees or vetting 自由职业者. Consider how much effort it can take to find and hire a freelancer or a temporary staffer. 对于编码职位, you absolutely need someone around who can evaluate the quality of their work and to be sure they really have the skill level your work calls for. Not only can you reclaim staff time for other work, but you can also reduce the time it takes to go from planning to having a finished software project.

3. 节约成本: You’ll save by having reduced operating expenses because you aren’t paying benefits, 提供工作空间, and absorbing the HR costs associated with having in-house developers.

4. 更方便的人力资源管理: Staff management can be faster and more efficient because your own project manager or chief technology officer (CTO) can directly oversee technical staff, instead of leaving that to the outsourcing company’s manager. (In other outsourcing models, the staffing firm would assemble a team and manage them on your behalf.)

5. 增强数据安全性: This probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of outsourcing your IT work. 然而,增加你的员工 网络安全 expert is one obvious example of how hiring outside talent can enhance security.

Now you can see how staff augmentation saves time and money. Let’s see how those benefits might add up for a company whose business is to provide information and education via a web-based portal.

员工增加 is a Powerful 电竞赛事竞猜APP 策略

Carrying out a complex 定制软件开发 project often requires both lots of work and a diverse set of IT skills. Hiring for IT staff augmentation offers a viable solution to meet those needs while potentially saving money, 工作效率更高, 得到更好的产品. If you need to hire outside talent for planning, 设计, 编码, 项目管理, 和质量保证, DevDigital可以提供帮助. 电竞赛事竞猜APP了解更多 我们的服务.


